As campaigns spend increasing amounts on digital advertising, states and cities are seeking to provide more transparency to the public about these ads. MapLight has developed the MapLight Digital Ad Archive solution, a software system for governments that supports the filing and public reporting of all political advertising--digital, print, video, and otherwise.
The MapLight Digital Ad Archive is user-friendly for regulators, filers, and the public. Filers can upload ads and information about them. Regulators can review and administrate ad filings. Public users can search and filter by multiple criteria including ad format, candidate, office, amount spent, date, and more. Optionally, the solution can integrate with social medial providers to import filer ad information directly.
The MapLight Digital Ad Archive can integrate with the MapLight Disclosure System, MapLight's existing software suite for campaign finance and lobbying filing and reporting. MapLight can also provide the MapLight Digital Ad Archive as a standalone solution.
MapLight developed the MapLight Digital Ad Archive solution with Campaign Legal Center, a nonpartisan legal organization advancing democracy through law. Campaign Legal Center has been working with federal, state, and local government partners for years on modernizing disclosure and transparency rules to effectively cover political ads on digital platforms.
For a demonstration of the MapLight Digital Ad Archive, please contact us.